Contract-to-Hire Staffing

Struggling to decide between a contractor and a full-time hire? Contract-to-hire lets you assess talent in action before making a lasting decision.

What is Contract-to-Hire Hire Staffing?

Contract-to-hire is an approach that’s becoming increasingly popular. It blends the principles of temporary and permanent hiring. Job seekers may start as contract hires, facilitating businesses to evaluate their skill set, work approach, and organizational fit.

After this employee trial run, a transition to a permanent role can be initiated if all goes well. This strategic recruitment process reduces the uncertainties tied to direct long-term hires.

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frequently asked questions

How does the transition from contract to a permanent role work?

Once the period is completed and the hiring manager decides to offer a full-time position to the candidate, the employee will transition to the hiring organization’s payroll and become a permanent member of the company.

Can I hire a contract to hire employee before the test period ends?

Yes, suppose a candidate exceeds expectations and is an excellent fit for the organization. In that case, the hiring manager can extend a full-time offer before the end of the trial run. It’s a good idea to discuss the possibility of early conversion with your account manager upfront, as it can be a selling point for the position.

Do employees on contract receive benefits during the trial period?

Employees work for the staffing agency and may be eligible for the company’s benefits during this period. After transitioning to a permanent position, the employee would become eligible for the hiring organization’s benefits.

How long is the typical trial period for a contract-to-hire placement?

The time frame for contract-to-hire staffing can vary but generally range from three to six months. However, the exact duration can be customized depending on the organization’s specific needs and the nature of the role.

What is the difference between contract-to-hire and direct placement staffing?

Direct hire recruiting involves finding candidates for permanent positions right from the start. Contract-to-hire is used for recruiting candidates temporarily with the possibility of full-time employment after a successful trial period.

BreezyRecruit has taken the time to learn our business and individual department needs. They know our management style and always understand if a candidate will be a fit.

Lisa, Machine Learning Engineer

Uses for Contract-to-Hire Staffing



Rely on Us for Your Staffing Needs

Finding the perfect employee is never easy, which is why we’re here to help. It all begins with a discussion to determine which recruiting option is best suited for your job opening, company culture, and business goals.

Call us today to begin the journey of finding your next great employee. Our team of recruiting and staffing professionals is on standby, and we can’t wait to connect!

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